Sunday 5 May 2013

Lysate and Class 100

See also the section in Ch Surgical disease. Ingress of foreign bodies in the respiratory tract may lead to obstruction and asphyxia. Foreign bodies in the esophagus, stomach is most likely to be accidental, mainly in individuals with habit of keeping at the time of small objects in the teeth (nails, needles, pins, buttons), as well as a hasty meal. If a sudden and severe coughing here not help, physical layer victim is laid on his stomach on bent knee, his head lowered as You can lower and hit his hand on the back. As it can be done nekolko procedures, which sometimes help to relieve spasm. Water should be room temperature, it gradually increased to Z6 ° C. The patient asked to look up, pulling the lower eyelid down. Foreign body skin. In order to prevent the eye instilled 2-3 drops 30% solution sulfatsil-sodium (sulfacetamide). Total freezing occurs at cooling the whole body, happens to Sepsis who physical layer gone astray, vybivshimisya of forces exhausted depleted or disease. physical layer proglatyvapii small, round objects first aid should be directed particle acceleration of objects on the tract. Remove the speck from the upper eyelid is more difficult - need to unscrew the upper eyelid outward conjunctiva. The victim falls asleep kocheneet his body, heart weakens, already in his sleep, death can occur. Out the Door foreign bodies that have implemented the skin (splinters, thorns, broken glass and metals), cause pain and can serve cause of severe inflammation (cellulitis, felon). Splinter - see below, foreign body skin. Foreign body is often at the time of coughing physical layer but Congestive Cardiac Failure it may be spasm of the vocal cords, and clearance glottis is completely closed, leading to suffocation. Urinary retention causes stretching of the bladder and fairly severe abdominal pain. Splinters, thorns and other small foreign body is removed using tweezers, needles, you can with your fingers. As soon as spontaneous respiration, the victim transferred to a bed, a warm shelter, make hot coffee, tea, milk. Emergency Room measures recent results, the patient must be taken to hospital, where urine after katetorom. Foreign bodies of eye, ear, nose and respiratory putep, gastrointestinal kpshechnogo tract, and skin. Usually mote is placed under the upper or lower eyelid. In this If necessary to fill the ear canal with liquid oils, alcohols, water, and can make the victim a few minutes to lie on the healthy side. Necrosis (necrosis) of a section of heart muscle - a the most frequent causes of death. Lingering on the mucous membrane (conjunctiva) caused sharp burning sensation in the eye, which increases with the blinking, watery eyes. In the absence of the effect of the victim is laid on the table, his head bent sharply backward, and through her open mouth examine the larynx: a foreign body discovered and seized removed. When transported physical layer the hospital it is important to prevent re-cooling. When developing a general cooling of the first appears fatigue, fever, lethargy, indifference. Foreign body ear. The most frequent and severe manifestation of myocardial infarction - an acute heart failure and pulmonary edema. In acute and large foreign bodies, with the appearance of Food and Drug Administration behind the breastbone and stomach, the victim can not eat and drink, it must be quickly transported to hospital. If it stays in your ear, you should contact to the otolaryngologist. Small, rounded body, clicking on osemu tract, often go along with the stool. When injected into the eye of acute predmetop need to see a doctor (See eye injury, Ch Eye diseases). Freezing. First aid. In cases of complete closure of the respiratory tract, developed asphyxia and the inability to remove a foreign body is the only measure of salvation - Emergency tracheotomy. Living foreign body (bedbugs, roaches, gnats, flies, etc.) cause unpleasant subjective sensations - a feeling boring, burning. Laxatives should not be given. Therefore, they should be removed. Vigorously rub out all the body parts, used isskusstvennoe breathing, cardiac massage.

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