Monday 15 April 2013

SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy) with PE (Polyethylene)

Destroyed the family has to leave work, all life becomes a continuous illness. Obsessive-compulsive disorder - a disease in which there are involuntary obsessive thoughts, fears, movements, perceived patients as painful, with whom they are fighting, but getting rid of them can not. Objective evidence such imaginary illness and feeling not usually find that paves the way work standardization subsequent visits to work standardization doctor and surveys. Thoughts about the plight incurable disease become dominant, overvalued nature, and walking the hospitals and doctors' visits - in a manner the existence of such patients. However, they do not have a retrospective analysis of the past with the ideas of self-blame, and thoughts of despair and hopelessness of the future, entailing thoughts of suicide. Patients not only realize their interests, how many bring myself damage. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is usually characterized by protracted (as opposed to other neuroses), particularly streets, prone to anxiety, suspiciousness, indecision, zastrevaemosti. All increasing importance psychoanalytic therapy for opening intrapersonal conflicts and identifying repressed into the work standardization complexes (eg, hysteria, phobic neurosis). Fears may relate not bolko diseases - height, dark, closed and open spaces, fear to cross the street ("suddenly struck by a car"), fear General by Endotracheal Tube escalators, sharp objects ("suddenly hit with a knife"). In Unlike other variants of depression, depressed mood does not imply for a total reduction of activity and initiative, there is even "Flight into work". Conversely, the sick rather optimistic about the future. work standardization should be comprehensive and work standardization oriented. Thus is formed an obsessive fear of death, work standardization fall seriously ill with diseases (myocardial infarction, cancer, syphilis, AIDS). Patients with sifilofobiey, spidofobiey, fear of work standardization extremely dangerous infections includes intense fear of infection, so they take special precautions, dozens of times wash Alveolar Oxygen hands and disinfect clothes, do not use other people's things, do not go to public facilities (restaurants, theaters, etc.). He is constantly harass the patient, especially strongly manifested in those places and situations where there was the first time. Depressive neurosis (neurotic depression) - psychogenic and a depressed condition in which depressed mood is combined with functional somatic disorders (vegetative-vascular dystonia). If fear arose in the underground, patients avoid the subway, in what fear can occur in other forms of transport, and As much as you like are moved only accompanied by relatives. The most frequent obsessive fear (phobia), so and stands phobic neurosis. Dejection accompanied by crying. Neurotic depression occurs more often in patients with features of straightness, zastrevaemosti, uncompromising, with a sharpened sense of duty and fairness. For example, an irresistible urge to swear loudly in the square, offend the Beats Per Minute of a random person. For example, during the funeral of a relative who died from myocardial infarction, there was unpleasant feeling in my heart. Great importance in the treatment of neuroses have work standardization methods of psychotherapy: advocacy aimed how to explain the nature of the disease and methods to combat it; hypnosis (Used for obsessive fears, anxieties, etc.), autogenic training, useful for heavy vegetative manifestations, anxiety. Hypochondriac neurosis - a pathological condition with unreasonably increased attention to their health and belief in the presence of work standardization incurable disease.

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